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The Wax-Museum

Listen up, Bhikkhus. Like I was talking, 

In a deep voice to Agents of Moria, 

And said, ‘Drums, drums in the deep! 

Have you lost your calling-card to Middle- 


Earth? Down the onyx-steps, you will arrive, 

In a Wax-Museum.’ The company, 

Has grown like thorns by-the-wayside,

Pretty much the Wicked Witch besides. 


Now, the Torturers face has taken a glow 

Of its own, and the scissors are sharp, 

In his hands. The Tomorrow-doors are black, 

And so close to your nose they’re decades lost. 


There is a doorbell you answer yourself, 

And green fields with rich grass and cows, 

That’s quite it: the Cow Jumped Over the Moon, 

And landed with a thumping noise, bah-boom. 


Springtime, in the world, the Dooms-day Clock, 

As written in scripture, foretold The End. 

A thousand sparrows in a thousand hands, 

Will die a thousand deaths before they die. 


Copyright 2024 Jeffrey Merk

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