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Castle Built on Sand

Updated: 7 days ago

I am like the wind, I am like the wind, 

That blows through the dunes by the windy sea. 

The grass is green, and the sky is blue, but 

There’s something that I’ve seen: spirits gay

And smiling, hand-in-hand, while their minds

Run screaming away, down the straight street.

Won't dare to ask, 'til I'm on my deathbed,

What happened to my sister, the night

The door closed for good, Snoopy had trouble,

Sleeping, and we smashed his head with a rock.

Atop a nearby hill a withering glance is housed,

Searching the streets, the cemetery. God knows

What he'll never find, here or hereafter, but

The depth of winter, has four snowmobiles,

And the height of summer, a crowd of Lepers

That beg for work; with frozen smiles they die.

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